Interview with Gloria Lau: First Singaporean woman to complete 7 marathons in 7 continents,...

Antarctica, Mount Everest, The Great Wall of China... ...,these places of extreme terrains and/or weather conditions are usually areas that many people, even young healthy...

I heard, if you want to lose weight… JustRunLah!

Running and losing weight at the same time is not an easy task, especially here in Singapore with all the wonderful local foods available....

The Beginning

I was a night owl, partier and drinker. On the other hand, I’ve also been sporty all my life, just didn’t do the long...

Training Review: How Running in Singapore Is A LOT Harder

Oh, the incredible heat! I'd like to start this post by congratulating all our bloggers on Just Run Lah who have participated in the various...

Evolution of Team Costa

Sometime during our Friday night’s poolside drinking, some 12 months ago, someone came up with the brilliant idea of registering for a triathlon in...

What’s the best time to run?

When I first decided to take running seriously, I embarked on some research so that I may make the most out of my runs....

Race Review: Great Eastern Women’s Run 2014 [10km] (by ‘red3’)

At the break of dawn 15,000 women woke up Sunday morning (9 Nov) to participate in the one and only all women's running race, the...

The Unlikely Marathoner

Hi there! Take one look at me and you will never guess that I am a runner. I am short, and sometimes walk funny. This...

A whole new world – Running

How it all started I'm a relatively new runner having only been doing it since July this year.  I started running for several reasons.  One: to...

Tips on Running Injuries by the Mok siblings

Mok Ying Ren and Mok Ying Rong: Tips on Running Injuries 2013 Sea Games Marathon Gold Medallist Mok Ying Ren and his sister Mok Ying...

Running Tips for the Army Half Marathon: By Mok Ying Ren

The Army Half Marathon takes place on 31 August. If you have entered this, you would probably have already completed your longest run and...

The Great Eastern Women’s Run 2014: Run To Live Great Programme

The Great Eastern Women’s Run 2014: Run To Live Great Programme During last weekend, the Run To Live Great programme kicked off. This event, targeted...

Marathons and Me

Sitting here today thinking about next weekend's Sundown Marathon, has me recollecting marathons past and I've decided that my sporadic and unfulfilled relationship with...

Veteran Ironman Adrian Mok’s running tips

Running Tips From Veteran Ironman Adrian Mok – for Sundown Marathon Adrian Mok, a former national triathlete and endurance athlete, recently gave a talk to...

Tips for improving speed and efficiency

Becoming a Faster and More Efficient Runner Becoming a faster and more efficient runner definitely does not mean longer and harder training sessions on a...

Tips From Top Runners for Sundown Marathon: Part II

Who is Who IT executive Marcus Ong (top) has conquered the Sundown Marathon twice. In 2009, he was the champion for the 10km race. And last...

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