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How can Running Boost Your Mental Health?

Participation in road running races in Asia has increased by 169%, reports SCMP, with some training for marathons, half-marathons, or Ironman style events....

Life is More Exciting When You Exercise

Those who don’t exercise don’t know how much rewards you can reap from doing so. And I’m not just talking about you looking good...

Best Time To Run: Night

If you feel like a 2.4km IPPT run in the morning is about 10km, and the same distance in the evening is about an easy...

Keeping Up the Pace at Home

The World Health Organization has recommended at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity or...

Destroying Common Plantar Fasciitis Myths & Misconceptions

Plantar fasciitis (jogger's heel) involves growth disorder of the supportive connective tissue at the arch of your foot. Currently, it’s one of...

Useful Tips On How To Effectively Relieve Pain And Regain Your Mobility After An...

Most of us have all been injured at some point in our lives. It could have been a small paper cut, a...

Learning From the “Poop Man”

Late last week, a story of Swedish distance runner Mikael Ekvall made the rounds on the internet once again. It's not a news story...

Embarrassing Running Moments

What's the most embarrassing thing that may happen while you were out running or running in a race? Some of us will understand these...

In Fashion! Bright Running Apparels. What Does Each Colour Represent?

Bright colours are in! You have probably noticed that almost every runner is geared up in a bright display these days. Do you find yourself buying them too?...

HomeTeamNS Unveils Highly Anticipated Bedok Reservoir Clubhouse, a Waterfront Haven for Home Team NSmen

HomeTeamNS’ second ground-up clubhouse – HomeTeamNS Bedok Reservoir is a Waterfront Haven, equipped with smart and sustainable features

Three Ingenious Ways To Convince Your Girlfriend To Run With You

It’s the time of the week again where you put on your running gear, head to your usual venue and prepare to go for...

Are You Man Enough? (Slightly NSFW – You’ve been warned!)

Editor's Note: Today's JustRunLah! post is a little cheekier than usual. We hope it brings a smile in the middle of a work week!...

Runfies (aka Running Selfies) – Do’s and Don’ts

Whether we are on the bus, on the way to work or just chilling out at home, we all love to take a selfie...

Interview With Kah Meng & Kellyn – Couples Who Run Together, Stay Together.

JustRunLah! : How will you introduce yourself to Asia running and fitness community? Kah Meng – Hi! I am Kah Meng, just an amateur runner...

Interview With Ang & Celin – Couples Who Run Together, Stay Together

JustRunLah! : How will you introduce yourself to Asia running and fitness community? Ang - Hi, I am Ang, I just want to run to...

Why Surfers Should Run & Runners Should Surf

It is common for athletes to cross different sports and excel at it. This is why we have seen athletes that can...

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