
Eating, music, fashion and more!

Why Using Essential Oils for Anxiety Always Works

On one side of the spectrum, the answer to the question is: Certain scents can potentially trigger our emotional and physical responses...

Represent Singapore in Running World Cup 2020

We've heard of FIFA World Cup -- the quadrennial football world championship, and the Rugby World Cup -- the quadrennial rugby world...

Interview With Henry & Yvonne – Couples Who Run Together, Stay Together

JustRunLah! : How will you introduce yourself to Asia running and fitness community? Henry – My name is Henry and I run for fun. Yv – I'm Yvonne Siew and...

How To Get In Shape For The New Year

One of the best ways to start the new year and improve your self-confidence is by getting into shape after indulging during...

8 Best Workout Equipment You Can Use At Home

Working out carries an innumerable number of benefits for your body. But not everyone can afford a hefty gym subscription fee. Even...

5 Local Foods To Try When You Are In Hong Kong For Your Next...

Besides the Hong Kong drama series and celebrities, what most of us know of Hong Kong is the food. And because Hong Kong was...

The Power Within

Calories are like human batteries but don't overload on them because all that excess energy is going to give you a belly. Did you know? Scientists...

7 Health Benefits of Pineapple

It's no surprise that pineapples are a favorite fruit among Southeast Asians given how tasty, accessible, and reasonably priced they are all...

Maintaining Your Caloric Intake During CNY

The Lunar New Year is just around the corner and I’m pretty sure most of us are hyped up about indulging in those delectable...

7 Common Causes Of Foot Pain

Foot pain is often a sign of something more serious. In fact, it is one of the signs that your foot might...

Understanding Malaysia and its Running Society For All Travelling Runners

The first thing when visiting a new country (let alone to run!) is to check out the climate. Temperatures range from 25C to 35C....

RUNcation at Bintan Resorts

Bintan Resorts will be hosting the inaugural world-class running event, International Bintan Marathon on 9 September 2018 with the tagline, ‘Run and Discover’. Offering a wide range of distances; 10km (Charity...

4 Non-Dairy Alternatives to Milk

It is becoming more and more common to give up dairy products. This happened for many reasons, ranging from milk allergies and...

Know Your CNY Cookies: How Much You Need To Burn Them Off

With the Chinese New Year just around the corner, we thought it would be good to get to know your CNY cookies. Snacking on...

Awesome Running Playlist, Anyone?

I am bored with my running playlist. I have reached the point where I push the skip button so much that my fingers are...

5 Things Runners Need To Know About Sony’s NW-WS413 Sports Walkman

If you're an athlete who uses music to get your heart pumping harder because you find yourself more motivated running to the beat, I'm...

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