5 Beaches in Asia For a Great Holiday Run

Every time we go on a holiday, we eat too much, sleep too much and move too little. Then, once you're back to reality,...

Durians vs. Runners

Arhhh... It’s Durian season again! Durian prices have been dropped significantly, so, are you having a feast? There are a lot of stories, legends and...

Beautiful Yet Reasonably Priced Hotels in JB You Won’t Believe

Singaporeans, as with most nationalities around the world, love holidays. We take whatever opportunities that come our way and either take flight to neighbouring...

Santa marathons and festive runs around the world

Christmas is one of the most widely celebrated holidays worldwide, and the running community has its own way of being festive. We bring you...

Running Makes You Poop!

Ever experienced the sudden urge to do a number 2 while you are running? It can be an embarrassing problem when you are running...

Are Fun Runs Declining in Asia?

Are fun runs on the rise or decline in Asia? Fun runs are normally of the 5 km distance. They are non-competitive and people...

Learning From the “Poop Man”

Late last week, a story of Swedish distance runner Mikael Ekvall made the rounds on the internet once again. It's not a news story...

5 Singapore Running Routes to Practice Your Hill Runs

Hill sprints are one of the most dreaded training days. Agreed? What would make the painful lactic acid build up and breathlessness better? First, running...

Kill Two Birds With One Stone At NUS Bizad Charity Run 2020

Are you a running junkie or do you prefer to Netflix your day away? Regardless of that, NUS Bizad Charity Run 2020...

Tan lines, we are proud of them!

People know you that are a runner when you get tan lines on different parts of your body from running in the summer heat...

Awesome Running Playlist, Anyone?

I am bored with my running playlist. I have reached the point where I push the skip button so much that my fingers are...
Best funny and motivational marathon spectator signs

Funny and motivational marathon spectator signs

Spectator signs are great; runners love to read them as it breaks the monotony of the course. They come in all sizes and shapes, from...

From your bed to the park, what effort it takes…

Getting out of your bed to go for a morning run or jog may seem like an uphill task to some, but sometimes all...

6 Women-Only Races All Ladies Should Not Miss

Talk about girl power, here's one for the ladies. Here are 6 women only races all ladies should not miss! #1 Mizuno Lady Running, Taiwan Mizuno...

Three Ingenious Ways To Convince Your Girlfriend To Run With You

It’s the time of the week again where you put on your running gear, head to your usual venue and prepare to go for...

‘Pokémon Go’ is Coming to Singapore. Here is How Runners Can Make the Most...

For the uninitiated, Pokémon Go is an augmented reality mobile game based on the series and characters made popular by Nintendo Game Boy. Unlike...

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