blizzy8 | JustRunLah!


I like to run since my younger days but a hairline crack to my Right Patella made me rest up for about 12 years before I started running again. Been going on now for 10 years hopefully can continue for 10 more 🙂

My posts

Race Review: Meiji Run 2017 (by blizzy8)

Took part in the 5k run, was down at Novena Square for the race pack collection, I was one of the first few and did...

Race Review: Runninghour 2017 (by blizzy8)

FEAR the final frontier, to boldly go where no runner has gone before! Runninghour 2017 is a unique run where you get to experience what...

Race Review: STAR WARS Run Singapore vs Disney Light Side Half Marathon

May the 4th Be With You! and its my 4th Star Wars Run of the year. How appropriate! Singapore's Inaugural Star Wars Run was...