I like to run since my younger days but a hairline crack to my Right Patella made me rest up for about 12 years before I started running again. Been going on now for 10 years hopefully can continue for 10 more 🙂
My posts
Race Review: Meiji Run 2017 (by blizzy8)
blizzy8 -
Took part in the 5k run, was down at Novena Square for the race pack collection, I was one of the first few and did...
Race Review: Runninghour 2017 (by blizzy8)
blizzy8 -
FEAR the final frontier, to boldly go where no runner has gone before!
Runninghour 2017 is a unique run where you get to experience what...
Race Review: STAR WARS Run Singapore vs Disney Light Side Half Marathon
blizzy8 -
May the 4th Be With You! and its my 4th Star Wars Run of the year. How appropriate! Singapore's Inaugural Star Wars Run was...