Why am I running? Why am I blogging?

I am a running newbie and have never ever ran in my life. Back in UK in my schooling days,  I was always last in the cross country race where I walked the whole race. I was the slowest in the sprint at sports day. In team sports, I was either a reserve substitute or the goalkeeper. I had never ran in my life.

But that is all changing now !!
And the reason – I want to become a better me. A better father, a better husband, a better son, a better friend, a better team member, a better manager, a better leader and a better me. And I recently realized that to achieve any of my goals – I must first ensure I have my body and health.
Running is one way I will build my body and my health, and this blog will help me stay focused on my goal. This is somewhere for me to communicate my goals, my progress and my experience. By stating and writing down each of my goals (5km by September and 10km by end of 2015), and communicating to anyone and everyone – I will be keeping pressure on me to make progress, to meet the goal, and to continuously improve.

Dad: Work. Family. Run. Repeat.

My life has always evolve around the following mantra: Work. Family. Run. Repeat.

I constantly tackle the challenge of balancing career, family, my running and triathlon passion. I list my work first since most daily hours are spent in front of the laptop. I squeeze every minute of family time that I can out of the remainder of the day. Therefore, running gets the shortest remaining time, but that doesn’t stop me from accumulating as many kilometers as I can.

I started running competitively in 2007. Since then I have ran numerous 10km, half marathons and full marathons. My running dad journey started in 2010 when Jerrell is born. Two years later in 2012, Janelle challenges myself even further to keep a healthy and active lifestyle.

On 21st June, I believe every dad out there recalls the tales of success, defeat, frustration and elation as we tackle new goals, greater distances and increased speed. In my opinion, the most important is to set a right example for my kids to follow. What you have set out to do, never stop till you finish it. After than that, to illustrate the importance of maintain a healthy lifestyle to the kids.

Running dads in Singapore could celebrate today by joining Mileage Father’s Day Run. In view of the recent Nepal earthquake, all profits of the event went to aid affected victims. Awesome job!



Planks work your back, chest, shoulders, and neck in addition to your abs. Strengthening these muscles allows you to keep your shoulders back and your chest high. Planks also develop isometric strength in your core, which helps you stand up straight or sit up straight for long periods of time.

4 benefits of doing Planks:

  1. A toned belly

  2. Reduced back pain

  3. Flexibility

  4. Improve Your Balance and Posture

How to do:

Hold the trunk of your body off the ground in a straight line.

Like with any form of exercise, you will still need to have consistency, a balanced diet and carryout other forms of cardio vascular exercise to complement your plank exercise for the best results.

Advance level:


lo and behold

full of possibilities

A ho-hum week thus far: an unproductive day of modern day distractions, followed by absolute drudgery of paper shuffling. Where’s the midweek pick-me-up when you need one?

To reinstate the sense of purpose, I set out to complete a ten kilometer run. I wasn’t certain if my body could handle another long run as my mileage this week has been climbing steadily. If the plan is to run till my sunset years, I have to be smart about my training. Granted, it’s unrealistic to think I could still run with the same intensity when I hit my golden years; at the very least, I hope to keep running and stay nimble.

Having been sidelined due to overused injuries, I tread with caution – push hard but be cognizant of the body’s limitation. With that in mind, I have since cross trained and rest adequately to condition the body for the long haul.

Today, armed with a conservative training plan, I started slow and plough on. At about the half way mark, I was light on my feet and beaming. Half the battle and I feel strong to go all the way. A lull breeze propelled me and I surged with a renewed dose of energy. A runner’s high. All the hard work and discipline paid off in the end – I finished strong and pain-free.

Upon reaching the doorway,  a lovely bloom on one of the okra plants stopped me in my tracks. The delicate yellow flower with deep purplish throat greeted me, full of possibilities. For a grower and a lover of nature, this is a joy to behold. A delightful run capped off by one of the many marvels of Mother Nature.

What you least expect can throw you off guard or make your day. In this instance, the latter happens. I lingered outside a bit longer than usual, admiring the pretty sight before the self-pollinating flower is replaced by the pod tomorrow. Double happiness in every sense of the word.


16 Years of Singapore’s Most Established Triathlon Event

Photo credits: Cheryl Tay

Every avid cyclist in Singapore would have already marked down on their calendars the important dates of the annual OCBC Cycle. Likewise, marathoners are starting to gear up and train for their big day on the Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore. And of course, for all triathletes and everyone who loves the adrenaline rush and satisfaction from competing in a combination of swimming, cycling and running all at once, Singapore’s most established and biggest triathlon event, Singapore International Triathlon 2015, is back for its 16th year on 25th July 2015, at the East Coast Park!

Photo credits: Singapore Sports Council
Photo credits: Singapore Sports Council

16 years of running, biking and swimming

Throughout the 16 years of the Singapore International Triathlon event, many outstanding triathletes from Singapore and other parts of the world gather each year to challenge their physical limits and mental endurance. With increasing demands from participants of all demographics, race categories catered to youths, kids and newbies have also been created across the years. Therefore, this race is organised to bring all active personnel from a swimmer/cyclist/runner to proudly declared triathlete.

New additions to triathlon experience this year

In addition to the traditional triple sports format of a triathlon, SIT has added 2 new exciting races this year: SuperSprint Relay and Scoot-Athlon! No matter what athletic background you have, young or old, individual, group of friend or a family, the Singapore International Triathlon on 25th July 2015 is definitely a sports event not to be missed as you overcome and surpass your physical and mental barriers.

So hurry and register for this mega sports in your respective race categories before the normal period ends on 1st July 2015! Just Try Lah!

Supplements, are they important for runners?

Midway through your long-run, signs of energy running low start to show as you find every stride getting heavier, slower, and pausing your run seems to be the most probable decision you would make as the water or isotonic drink you had is insufficient. Besides time wasted from stopping for a mid-run snack, time is also required for carbohydrates and fats to be broken down into glycogen for absorption. Thanks to constant development and innovation of sports nutrition, runners are spoilt for choices over sports supplements such as energy gels, capsules and drink mixes for effective and efficient energy refuelling.

What happens when you run?

2 primary sources of fuel in your body are being depleted as you run: Carbohydrates and fats. Although our body contain higher percentage of fats than carbohydrates, fats require a longer time to break down into usable energy as compared to carbohydrates. As such, carbohydrates are more efficient and stored as glycogen for easy usage. However, this energy supply has its limitations: it lasts from 30 to 90 minutes or more depending on the length and intensity of exercise. (Source: Sports Medicine) In addition, essential electrolytes such as Sodium are lost in the form of sweat when we exercise.

As such, the demand for easily digestible, convenient and efficient energy supplements has been increasing over the past decade, with many global athletes seen consuming them during their races to enhance their performance.

black man runner tired

Energy gels wakes your brain up

For glycogen to be used by muscles, it first needs to be digested, absorbed via the intestinal wall and then finally reach its destination. Energy gels compensates for this long process by acting as an alternative source of carbohydrates besides the glucose stored in our blood. When our brain receives reduced amounts of glucose as a result of usage by our muscles during exercise, our brain automatically goes into a ‘zone-out’ phase where you feel lethargic and sleepy. As such, the extra boost from energy gels gives our brain a ‘wake-up call’, resulting in a energized mind to complete the rest of the journey.

Energy gels such as those from GU Energy provide energy-dense calories in a portable packet which is convenient for runners to consume during a run. Besides containing carbohydrates (maltodextrin and fructose) for easy absorption without causing major stomach distress, GU Energy gels hydrates your body with Sodium and reduces mental fatigue and reduces muscle damange with Amino Acids.

Timing is the key

Since supplements do not provide one-for-one replacement of the essential nutrients due to necessary metabolic processes in out body, runners should decide the appropriate time to consume these energy boosters. Everyone absorbs and utilizes carbohydrates at different rates; some  feel the effect within a few minutes, while others up to 10 minutes. Also, our stomachs react to these supplements in a variety of ways depending on the state of digestion activity; inactive stomach due to lack of blood flow after running for a long time might result in rejection of the energy gel by the body and cause some runners to throw up.

As such, consumers have been advised to take a single dosage at approximately 15-30 minutes before and at the 1 hour mark of a full marathon, when the body is not too exhausted and is able to process the carbs efficiently without stomach issues. (Source: Energy Gel Central)

Besides energy gels, GU Energy has also developed supplements in alternative and creative packaging such as Energy Chews, Electrolyte Capsules and Hydration Drink Mixes that deliver similar energy and hydration boosting effects, thereby catering to a variety of consumer needs.

Something new from GU

For the first time in 20 years, GU has updated the original formula in sync with the latest nutrition science.

New GU Energy Gel formulation is vegan and no longer contains antioxidants which have been found to inhibit training adaptations. Still taste great!

New GU Energy Chews are now exclusively available as a single serving packet (four chews), Chews are now easier to carry and consume with less waste.

GU Hydration Drink Tab new formulation is sorbitol free (easy on your gut), contains xylitol for oral health (does not decay teeth like other sweeteners) and dissolves faster


Created for athletes to refuel after a demanding activity, GU Recovery Drink Mix packs energy-dense whey protein isolate to promote protein synthesis and reduce muscle protein breakdown.

GU Roctane Energy Gel has been reformulated to replace histidine, which the body already has in abundance, with beta alanine, which the body needs. Antioxidants have been removed which are found to inhibit training adaptations. Same great taste!

Created to supplement additional electrolyte replacement needs, GU Roctane Electolyte Capsules provide added electrolyte support on top of the hydration-drink products. Take GU Roctane Electrolyte Capsules before, during, or after exercise to replenish electrolyte levels from any energy-demanding activity resulting in sweat loss.


Stories of cancer warriors, running for a cause against cancer

Image source: Singtel & Singapore Cancer Society Race Against Cancer

No one should fight cancer alone. Anyone can be impacted by cancer be it as a patient, survivor, family member or caregiver. Here we have two inspiring stories of Singaporeans who had personal experiences going the battle against cancer in their respective roles.

May Chen, runs for her sister: “They are not alone, we are fighting cancer together with them!”

Photo credits: Race Against Cancer
Photo credits: Race Against Cancer

3 years ago, May’s sister was diagnosed with Stage 3 stomach cancer and had to remove her whole stomach. This period of treatment and recovery was a difficult time for the whole family and spurred May, an avid runner, to join the SCS Race Against Cancer in 2013 to raise awareness and funds to help others who have cancer. Her sister has recently relapsed with cancer and had her ovaries and uterus removed and will be undergoing chemotherapy treatment in the coming weeks and months. As a visible show of support to her sister, and to highlight the realities of cancer, May will be running the SCS RAC 2015 in September and hopes that her sister will recover by then.

Eugene Aw, charity athlete: “Run along with me, in making your steps count for those in the cancer journey”

Photo credits: Race Against Cancer
Photo credits: Race Against Cancer

Eugene first got in touch with the Singapore Cancer Society when he ran his first Race Against Cancer in 2013. As a caregiver of his mother who had won the battle over breast cancer, he became a SCS Charity Athlete to raise awareness and funds for the cancer cause. Since then, he has participated in 13 different races, clocked over 500km, and raised close to $2,000 in the fight against cancer. While most athletes typically use medals as a measure of their progress, as a charity athlete, Eugene determines his success by the amount of a difference he has made in the lives of cancer patients and their families. In addition, Eugene actively finds opportunities to share with his friends and colleagues about how SCS is working to minimise cancer, maximise life, how his runs contribute to this effort and regularly keeps up with other charity athletes to stay focused and motivated.

Race to Save Lives Poster

For more information and to register for RAC2015 please click here.
JustRunLah! is the Official Running Portal of RAC2015.

6 Things JustRunLah remembers from SEA GAMES 2015

The 28th SEA Games 2015 Singapore are closing tonight, the 16th of June 2015, after hosting a total of 6 sports and 402 events over the past 12 days. Regardless of watching the SEA Games events as a live spectator or from the broadcast channels wherever we are, many athletes have displayed outstanding and admirable acts of sportmanship, teamwork, resilience and talent. As we celebrate the victories and achievements of our Singapore athletes, here are 6 memorable moments from the SEA Games 2015 that JustRunLah! has selected among the many historic events that had occurred:

1. Respect for marathoner, Ashley Liew

Marathon runner, Ashley Liew displayed world-class sportsmanship by pausing his run during the race when he realised that his rivals took the wrong path instead of taking advantage of the situation. It was a decision that might have cost him a SEA Games medal but the values and attitude that Ashley uphold are priceless and truly deserves the respect and admirable of all athletes and Singaporeans.

2. United as one voice, one Singapore: Women’s 4x200m Freestyle Relay Victory Ceremony

On Day 3 of 28th SEA Games Singapore 2015 (8 June 2015), the PA system malfunctioned when Singapore’s National Anthem was playing and resulted in a few seconds of silence. However, Singaporeans in the spectator stands remained standing  and continued singing the National Anthem with our swimming medalists beaming with pride and glory. The entire stadium was roaring with a united Singaporean voice and spirit.

3. Follow Your Dreams: Soh Rui Yong

Soh Rui Yong is in only his second competitive marathon ever and managed to bag a SEA Games marathon gold medal for Singapore with an impressive timing of  2 hours 34 minutes and 56 seconds. The 23-year old now has set bigger dreams for himself to represent Singapore and qualify in the 2016 Olympics.

4. Never Give Up: Bi Qi.

Singapore’s only representative for the 5000M Women race, Qua Bi Qi, gave her all as she completed the race with a taped knee as a result of an overuse injury. Most would have given up after being lapped several times by rivals, however, Bi Qi showed no signs of giving up and displayed commendable determination and resilience.

Image source: David Ash
Image source: David Ash

5. Race for Love; Lance Tan

Singapore’s Decathlon athlete, Lance Tan surprised the spectators and his girlfriend with an unexpected wedding proposal after completing his 1,500M event. Lance removed his proposal ring which was tied to his racing shoe lace and got ‘yes’ from his girlfriend, ending his race day on a sweet note.

6. Nila Run: A run of rain and resilience

The heavy downpour on 7 June 2015 did not stop enthusiastic and determined Nila Run participants from completing the 10km race. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for runners to experience running on a SEA Games marathon route.


Race Review: The Great Relay Sinapore 2015 [100k] (by SinaiStrider)

When Scouse Pete, Shug and I invented Mount Sinai Striders 18 months ago, it was just a joke. A non-running club of three mates who did a bit of training together and entered a few races. Over time, we’ve added friends, created a Strava Group and recently a Facebook page – but still, we weren’t exactly sure what the point was, other than a bit of fun.

Until 2015, when Singapore suddenly went Relay crazy! From nowhere, this year we have three relay events already (The Great Relay, The Mizuno Ekiden and ASICS Relay). All of a sudden Mount Sinai Striders makes sense – it’s a Relay Team! And so it was that through a rigorous (not) selection process, we chose the first ever Mount Sinai Striders Team to enter the 100k Great Relay as a mens team of six.

The team selected itself in truth and until last week we were in good shape.

Strider Down!

Then disaster struck as Strider Big Rob stuck his foot in a drainage ditch on Sentosa and broke a bone in his foot.

A few frantic calls later, we had enlisted the services of local Ultra King Paviter Singh to step in and take Rob’s place. So far, so good.

Another Strider Down!

Then two days before the race, Strider Jezza gets an MRI scan on his troublesome left leg only to find he has been training on a hairline stress fracture (and probably had it when he did Ironman 70.3 Vietnam last month!).

Even more frantic calls and Eleete Pete finally comes up trumps with his neighbour and fellow liverpudlian Jason. The team is now 1/3rd Scouse! Apart from that all is good, we are ready to go.

Talking to running friends, there has been an air of anticipation about this event since it was announced earlier in the year. Lexus and the F1 gang ran the inaugural Great Relay in Hong Kong in January and the elite combo emerged victorious in the Mixed Team of 4 category and gave the local Mizuno Athletes (Mens Team of 8) a good run for their money overall.

Then Vlad and Eti came over from HK for their running clinics in April and the anticipation rose again.

The concept is simple. 50k or 100k, Teams of 2, 4 or 6. A loop of 4km from each member of the team in order, repeared until the distance is complete.

We entered the 100k category and settled on a running order. Ben to set things off, Pav to follow, Jason & Pete in the middle section, then Neil (aka The Claw) and me last. One extra loop is required to get to 100k and we elected Ben to run that one.

Runners in the 4 and 6 person teams doing the 100k will run between 16 and 24k each, but the long gaps in between each effort mean that all competitors are onsite all day. This is unusual for a running event, where usually you see people for a quick ‘good luck’ before the race and then a (usually) slightly longer ‘well done’ afterwards.

At The Great Relay you can catch up with old buddies and get into the action and the spirit of the event. Since this sort of event is few and far between, I think this format makes a nice change up from usual races and based on my interactions during the day, most agreed.

I finally set off for my first loop at around 0900 (having arrived onsite at 5.30!), a short flat starting section, then a short, steep climb, followed by a long technical downhill before things get more straightforward with an out and back to the quarry along a closed road. This second section had a combination of rolling hills that was both tough (uphill towards the end of the event) and rewarding (downhills to build speed) so personally I thought the course overall was decent. It wasn’t as much on the trail as Vlad and Eti would have liked, but it was demanding enough to make everyone work hard.


My second and third loops were tough, in the heat of the day, I slowed slightly on each, but still maintained a decent pace. The heat of the day and the waiting around took it’s toll a bit….


Finally at around 2.30, Neil came round the bend and I set off for my final loop. It was pouring with rain, which meant cooler temperatures, but also demanded careful footing on the downhill trail section in particular. I pulled a few seconds back on my lap 3 time and caught a few runners on the way in, then Ben set of for our 25th and final lap.

A nice tradition in this event is assembling the whole team to run the last 100m with the final runner. We did this, complete with a can of tiger each and then managed to grab a quick photo with Vlad (and injured Jezza, who came down with the beer!). We’re all done, 100k in 7 hours 58. 3rd place in our Category and 11th overall.


In summary a great day out, everyone had a blast. Struck the right balance between competition and camaraderie.

Well done Eti and Vlad and good luck with the next Hong Kong and Taiwan editions.

Mount Sinai Striders will be out again in team formation for the Mizuno Ekiden. ‘Ave it!




Running Shoe Survey: Complete and receive $20 sports vouchers.

Running shoes are a must for all runners. Whether you are a beginner or seasoned runner, we look into new technologies, brands and features to propel us forward more effectively and efficiently. Lesser effort, faster runs, and more enjoyable running journey are what all runners constantly crave for. In the current competitive market, shoe manufacturers are constantly exploring how runners choose a pair of shoes over others. Factors such as colours, designs, brand influencers and price are just some of the many important reasons that will affect a runner’s decision making process. So, what are your requirements for your perfect pair of running shoes?

It’s survey time!

This is a brief survey and we would like to gain your thoughts and opinions about running shoes. We hope to be able to take your responses, work on them and provide a more better service and more appealing offering to you very soon! It should only take about 5 minutes to complete.

As an appreciation, we are extending a 2 x $10 Vouchers for LIV ACTIV and Running Lab for completing the survey.

Complete the form below to get your voucher.

This survey has closed. Thank you for taking part.


Movie Motivation!

Photo Credits: The Windsor Star

Good day everyone, Ah Girl here would like to start off her running diary with her (and probably most people’s) favourite pastime: watching TV/movies! 😀

What has it got to do with running you might think? Well, being an audio-visual person, I can get all inspired and motivated to accomplish something or become all moody and quiet simply because of a film I watched or song that keeps echoing in my head. And so, I’ve selected 6 motivational movies/films that I personally enjoyed and got inspired:

Photo credits: IMDB
Image source: IMDB

Across The Tracks (1991)

Someone looking extremely familiar and charming? Yes, that’s the young Brad Pitt before his debut as a celebrity. This American Indie Film mainly focused on the themes of family, brotherhood and sportsmanship where the 2 brothers, who belong to 2 extreme social spheres, overcome their struggles and reconciled their differences from running.

Prefontaine (1997)

In this American biographical film, Jared Leto plays the character of Steve Prefontaine, an American long-distance runner who once held the American record in 7 different distance track events from the 2,000M to the 10,000M and died at a young age of 24 due to an auto accident. The film was shot from the perspective of his training coach and his then girlfriend. One of his greatest accomplishments besides being an outstanding runner was his activist efforts in helping American athletes compete with international runners who received better funding.

Saint Ralph (2004)

A Canadian drama film which was a tear-jerker for me because the story revolves around a teenage boy who trained for the 1954 Boston Marathon, in hope that the victory would be the miracle needed to wake his ill mother from a coma. I shall leave it to you all to find out what happened in the end 🙂

Image source: IMDB
Image source: IMDB

Spirit of The Marathon (2007)

This documentary film chronicles the journey of 6 marathon runners’ experience while training and competing in the 2005 Chicago Marathon. I really felt like heading out for a long run after watching this film! The admirable physical endurance and determination displayed by the different characters were truly inspiring because each of them came from different background and demographics, had varying running experiences and abilities. It goes to show that everyone and anyone can overcome their own physical and mental struggles if they put their heart and soul to achieve what they desire.

P.S There’s a sequel to this movie called Spirit of The Marathon 2. Do check it out!

Chariots of Fire (1981)

This film should ring a bell in many of you runners and film junkies – It won 4 out of 7 Academy Awards that it was nominated for, including Best Picture and Best Screenplay and not to forget its award-winning instrumental tune by Vangelis as the Best Original Score. Released in 1981, the British historical film recounts the lives of 2 athletes in the 1924 Paris Olympics who each ran for difference causes and beliefs – Eric Liddell, a devout Scottish Christian ran for the glory of God, and Harold Abrahams, an English Jew who ran to overcome prejudice. The most notable scene has got to be the opening scene filmed at the beach (cover photo above). The film taught me that one would achieve admirable feats if one puts in devotion, commitment, integrity and sacrifice.

The Athlete (2009)

This Ethiopian drama film chronicles the life of the legendary marathoner from Ethiopia, Abebe Bikila. When he first participated in the 1960 Rome Olympic Games, nobody cared about who he was. Not only did Bikila ran barefooted , he become the gold medallist of that event! He repeated his barefooted running four years later at the Tokyo Olympic Games and became the first man to win the Olympic marathon twice in a row. Unfortunately, Bikila lost the function of his legs after getting involved in a car accident. He then died shortly due to health complications related to his previous injuries. One of the most notable quotes by Bikila was “I wanted the world to know that my country, Ethiopia, has always won with determination and heroism”, which was the reply he gave to people who asked his reason for competing barefooted during the Olympics.

I’m pretty sure there are many more motivational and inspiring films out there which will make you grab your running buddies and gear out right after! Share with me what else you’ve watched that made an impact in your running journey and life! Currently (literally) running out of shows to watch at the moment… 😛



leave them behind
We like to have a plan. Sometimes including a back-up plan. We fret when we don’t have a plan. Surprises throw us off guard and rattle our comfort zone. We are programmed to equate having a plan with a sense of order.

Today, I opted to run without a plan or a route in mind. Simply go with the flow – sans music and running app. The effect is immediate: I feel a few grams lighter after ditching the ifitness waist pouch. Unencumbered, I was ready to run like the wind.

The first kilometer descended without a hitch as I made my way from home to the main thoroughfare. Plugged with playlist of music, I was normally spared the cacophony of honking and random chattering. Without the trusted earphone, ambient noises are amplified: blaring roadway and aerial sounds converged amid territorial call from a koel perched atop a Yellow Flame tree. Adding to the frantic mix is a siren encroaching from afar and an array of noises from a nearby construction site.

Visualize this: rush hour commuters thronging the bus stop, scuttling to catch the bus to the closest MRT station; dog walkers hogging the narrow pathway without consideration to fellow pedestrians; technology dependent teenagers with eyes affixed to screens of mobile devices; and cars accelerated at the pedestrian crossing with no intention of slowing down.

I felt disoriented despite my heightened senses. Distracted by the discordant surroundings, I struggled to get in the zone. Even my own footfalls and huffing felt strange to the ears. It took another kilometer or so to acclimatize and beyond that, I was cruising.

Running without an agenda can be liberating. There was no external feedback on distance or splits. While it didn’t start off as the most pleasant of runs, it turned out to be a keeper – a chance to soak in the sights, sounds and reignite the sightseer in me. Overall, a priceless experience: I discovered an estate teeming with black and white colonial houses and an obscured park shielded by evergreen trees.

Admittedly, I’m not about to pack up my running playlist. But, I’m pretty certain this will not be my last gadget-free run. Every so often, it’s good to put aside the tried and tested and throw in the unexpected. Crank up your inner music and stay in tune with your body. Put on your exploratory hat. Make it up as you go along. If you never veered off course, how else would you discover a new route?


Run N Raisin’ 2015 – Race To Make A Difference

Photo credits: Run N Raisin (Facebook)

The race

Run & Raisin’ 2015 is in its 5th year of its annual charity run and carnival to raise funds for needy children and families, organised by TOUCH Young Arrows (TYA). This year, TYA aims to raise $300,000 to benefit children of TYA through educational programmes and services across 21 TYA Clubs in Singapore. These approximately 450 disadvantaged children aged 6 to 12 come from low-income and/or single-parent families.

The charity run will be held on 5th September 2015, Saturday, at the Silver Garden located in the Gardens by the Bay from 7am – 5pm. Participants can choose from 3 exciting race categories: 10km Competitive Run, 5km Fun Run and a 2.5km Family Run to show their support. Runners will also be treated to a scenic and picturesque run with magnificent city landmarks such as the Gardens By the Bay, Marina Barrage and Benjamin Sheares bridge as part of the running route.

In addition, a fun-filled fundraising carnival will be held simultaneously from 9am onwards at the Silver Garden and is open to free public admission. Expect to see exciting live stage performances and enjoy a huge variety of food, games and merchandise stalls for anyone and everyone in the family, with the purchase of carnival coupons.

Do your part in securing the future of our young generations by registering for the charity run here and join in the festive atmosphere of the carnival on 5th September 2015 at the Silver Garden!

The organiser

TOUCH Young Arrows (TYA) aims to nurture and develop children to become future leaders and make a positive impact in the community. Regardless of their family or financial background, TYA believes that each child deserves a happy and healthy childhood, with opportunities to learn and grow via TYA’s value-driven activities, mentoring and academic coaching programmes at the children’s clubs in Singapore.

All proceeds raised from both the charity run and carnival will go to the young recipients of TYA, such as 11-year-old Fateha. From a shy and introverted child living in an overcrowded 3-room flat, Fateha has grown to become a bubbly, optimistic and confident girl after receiving help from TYA’s volunteers and has even achieved stellar results in her academics!



Race Review: Trifactor Swim 2015 vs Nila Swim – 28th SEA Games Swim (500m)

Trifactor Swim

The Trifactor Swim was the first race I could enter after eight weeks laid up with a fractured ankle.  I missed out on the Green Corridor and the Ultra Marathon but I was not going to miss out on the Trifactor Series.

The swim was the first race in the Trifactor Series and I was originally signed up for the 1500m swim.  Two months out of training, I would have been foolish to tackle the distance.  Luckily the Trifactor team helped me out by downgrading my distance to 500m.  Still not fully recovered I figured with a firm ankle guard and minimum run/walk on sand I should be okay to swim provided that I didn’t need to kick.

With only six swim training sessions of which four were the week before the race, I hoped that I had enough fitness still left in me to see me through the race.

Come race day and I was a bundle of nerves.  Scared about my leg, scared that I may not be fit enough and just about everything else I could conjure to mess up my head completely.  What I didn’t anticipate of course were goggle problems.  What could have been a terrific swim, since I thought the sheltered Tanjong Beach Sentosa was a great location, turned into a very frustrating swim.  All because of leaky goggles.

I spent 80% of my race breaststroking and each time I tried to freestyle my goggles would just fill up with water.  An extremely tiring way to swim for sure, towards the end I managed some version of freestyle without fully immersing my head into the water just so I could stretch my arms out and make some tracks in my swim.

Eventually I surfaced at 15:20 minutes which was incredibly disappointing given that I can usually knock it off in under 12 minutes.  I’m reasonably new to swimming (about 12 months) so I am not fast but I am definitely better than 15+ minutes.

The humorous element in all this was that given my veteran category, I still managed to place second.  But wait there were only three in my category so I would have placed regardless.  It was quite a surprise and didn’t know till my girlfriend, Michelle who also swam the 500m in 13:46 minutes let me know a few days later.

Off I went to the Trifactor offices to collect another medal and a new pair of goggles.

The day was not a complete waste since I always enjoy the company of my fellow Team Costans.  As mentioned above Michelle raced the same category as myself, hubby completed the men’s 500m category, Veronika tackled 1500m (with very little training) and Jeff challenged himself with 3000m.

The severe congestion of the longer distance meant that many of the swimmers were slowed in their pace trying to get around or over the top of others, lots of kicking in the face or body was taking place and made the race less pleasing.  To reduce the congestion the women’s 500m category was delayed by 10min which made the swim for Michelle and myself a breeze and free of congestion.

With our kids in tow, cheering on we finished up the day at the Port of Lost Wonder.  We had our race, and the kids had their fun.

Nila Swim for the 28th SEA Games

As part of the official South East Asian (SEA) Games, Singapore tacked on a swim race for the public in which Michelle and I participated.  I was particularly interested in this race because it gave me another opportunity to race 500m and hopefully improve my timing and preferably avoid leaky goggles.  Even better it was held in my backyard at Angsana Park on East Coast Park.

Approximately 35 participants entered the open all women’s category.  Michelle was super excited whereas I was extremely nervous.  I figured the nervousness was a result of little real competition experience and the constant adrenaline spikes were just simply uncomfortable and counter-productive.

Anyway, as we prepared to enter the racing pen one look over our shoulder at the four 16 year olds, in their swanky bathers and athletic builds we knew we were done for.  A bit hard to be 30+ and 40+ mums trying to compete with teenagers.  We were whipped by all of them.

The extremely low tide hindered our best timing given the nearly 70 meters we had to run/walk before we could reach deep enough water to swim.  Since I’m still recovering and unable to run it was tough covering the distance by hobbling and landing on exposed rocks.  I was tired before I even started.

However, I was pleased there was no leaky goggles and the sea was reasonably pleasant in comparison to Tanjong Beach where we came out filthy.

I perhaps started out a bit too hard trying to make up lost time with walking but it was unsustainable.  Michelle on the other hand took the chance to run in as fast as she could.  She settled into the 6th position and held it all the way to the end. Towards the end she was competing against two other swimmers and with her toughness and competitive spirit she turned her legs into hyper-drive and powered through her swim leaving them behind.

Whilst I managed to overtake five other women and caught up to Michelle, I overtook her a couple of times but just couldn’t hold the pace.  When she went into hyper-drive her legs were like a motor in the sea.  I got a good splashing in the face and she left me in the dust.

For the last 100m I had a swimmer behind me at only one arm’s length distance and I was determined not to be overtaken.  So when I reached sand, I hobbled and hopped and moved as fast as I could as I wasn’t about to be overtaken in the last 20m.  Needless to say when I crossed the finish line, I needed to lie down and catch my breath.

I have mixed emotions about this race from a personal achievement perspective.  Having to walk so much reduced my swimming energy and again didn’t feel like it was my best performance but I guess there are no perfect situations so I’ll just have to keep doing the shorter swim races before I consider anything lengthier or more challenging.

On a positive note, it was great to participate in a race that celebrated the spirit of the SEA Games that hasn’t been held in Singapore since 1983.  An excellent time to be host to the games given Singapore’s 50th year of independence from Malaysia.  I feel privileged to participate.


A chat with Singapore’s only 5000m women SEA Games athlete, Bi Qi.

Many had witnessed the run by our only Singapore representative for the 2015 SEA Games 5000M women race, Qua Bi Qi (22), this Tuesday, 9th June 2015 and most would have wondered who, why and how did this petite iron lady battled her way through the race with her taped knee and achieved an admirable 10th placing and 19.42.50 timing.

JustRunLah! got in touch with Singapore athlete, Bi Qi, to tell us more:

JRL: Share with us about your long-distance running journey.

BQ: I started off as a canoeist back in college (still am), and running had always been part of my cross training. Besides being involved in an interval programme structured by my canoeing coach, I do long runs during the weekends on my own because I really enjoy hitting the roads.

JRL: When was the turning point that got you into training professionally?

BQ: About a year ago, I decided to try for ASEAN University Games qualification, and started undertaking proper run trainings under my mentor, Mr Steven Quek, and had been training under him ever since.

JRL:  What exactly happened that led to your injured running form on the actual race day for the 5000M event?

BQ: My knee injury is probably an overuse injury; it has been affecting me for quite a long time but I pushed myself to train through it. However, my recurring injury worsened subsequently, to the extent that left me with no choice but to refrain from trainings slightly over more than a week. And that occurred approximately 1 month before the actual race day on 9th June.

JRL: How did you manage to complete running the 5000M event despite not being on your best physical form?/ What was going through your mind as you ran for Singapore for the 5000M event while coping with your injury?

BQ: Once I start any race, there’s no other way to end it than to finish it.

Qua Bi Qi
Photo Credit: David Ash.

JRL: Seems like you do indeed live up to what your friends affectionately call you as “Beast Qi”?

BQ: (giggles) I am pretty used to being called by that nickname but I am not as scary as it sounds!

JRL: I am sure your fighting spirit displayed during the SEA Games and trainings will inspired many. Beyond SEA Games, do you have races/ competitions scheduled for the future?

BQ: Tentatively I have no races in mind yet, but I will continue to train and build my base and foundation. I am definitely looking forward to taking part in more regional races when the opportunities come by!

JRL: Do you have any specific group of people or person whom you would like to mention for your journey thus far?

BQ: I would like to do a shoutout to my training partners! Thanks for always being there for me during and beyond trainings. I qualified for this SEA games not on my own but with all of your efforts. So I didn’t run my own race back there – I ran it for you guys and I hope I did you all proud! 🙂

Bi Qi and her team mates

5 things you need to know about Sony’s Smart B-Trainer

Running at a whole new level

Introducing Sony’s Smart B-Trainer, an all-in-one personal training device that is currently making waves in the wearable technology market where runners are able to regulate, monitor and improve their progress and performance. The device also includes application that motivates runners using intelligent music payback based on heart rate monitoring, various training plans and real time voice coaching.

1. Music tempo that guides your speed

Music tempo analysis uses Sony’s 12 Tone Analysis technology to automatically select music for efficient training – When your heart rate is higher than targeted speed, a song with a slower song will be played to regulate your speed and vice versa when your heart rate is lower than your targeted speed. Also, the tempo can be changed according to your mood when running.

2. Smart B-Trainer for Running app and ASICS Training Plan

The Smart B-Trainer for Running app enables users to manage running logs on your smartphone with versatile selection of training plans to cater to your running goals; from marathon preparation to losing weight. 2 training plans (Basic and Premium) are available for users to customize their running goals and programme. In collaboration with ASICS, Smart B-Trainer users can also store and access their running logs created in MY ASICS Training Plan.

sony b trainer app

3. Hassle-free and freedom running

With neck-band style housing, waterproof and non-slip material, the Smart B-Trainer provides freedom and convenience for users running in all kinds of weather and training intensity.

sony b trainer run

4. Wide variety of sensors and running logs

This SSE-BTR1 headphone-integrated device is packed with 6 types of sensors: heart rate, acceleration, GPS, compass, gyro and barometer. In addition, it can record up to 11 types of running logs including heart rate, burned calories, time, distance, speed, pace, cadence, steps, stride, running route and elevation. These useful sports data analytics will hence enable to gather insights about their own sports performance.

sony b trainer wash

5. Storage and communication device

With a built-in memory of 16GB, the Smart B-Trainer can store up to 3,900 songs and doubles up as a Bluetooth headset for hands-free communication.


The Smart B-Trainer comes in 5 colors (yellow, white, blue, pink and black) at all Sony Stores, Sony Centres and selected Sony authorized dealers from 11 June 2015, at a retail price of $399.


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