Worthy of the claim Singapore’s top long distance runner, Soh Rui Yong had impressed us time and again with his accomplishments the past 2 years.

He has taken on the role as an ambassador for OSIM Sundown Marathon 2016, and is using this platform to inspire the local running community that running is limitless. JustRunLah! had the opportunity to sit down with Soh as he shared with us about running.

  1. One problem you find in most runners?
  2. One solution you suggest?

“Over-training. To address the issue, try to speak to a coach or advisor to get an input from an external party. Because as runners, it is in our nature to push past our boundaries. I always want to do more – if I ran 24K today, I want to run 26K the next week. If I ran a 160K this week, I want to run a 180K next week.”

“It is very easy for us to cross the red line between hard training and overtraining. And that’s why a coach is needed to push what you need to push and hold back what you need to hold back. As runners, we often go past that red line, and that’s what makes us marathoners. We do something the human body is not naturally inclined to do.”


Watch the video as he shares more with us:


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