Does Roller Skating Or Rollerblading Benefit Runners?

Roller skating has been proven to be a terrific activity for runners. It's enjoyable, and worthwhile tasks have a higher chance of...

8 Best Arm Exercises For Women

Select eight of the arm exercises listed below to work on different muscle groups. Complete two to three sets of 8 to...

Love Healthy and Fitness? Here Are 5 Fantastic Career Options to Consider

Are you passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and eager to spread the wellness bug? Imagine transforming that zest for fitness and...

What’s the best time to run?

When I first decided to take running seriously, I embarked on some research so that I may make the most out of my runs....

5 Common – but inaccurate – recovery methods

Running is the most popular sport among active Singaporeans. There are over 150 races per year. OSIM Sundown Marathon attracted 26,000 participants this year, while Great...

7 Tips For The Perfect Run

There is always another big race to prepare for, whether it's a 5km Fun Run or the Standard Chartered Marathon these tips will help...

Home Cooking VS Eating Out

As much as I enjoy dining out at hawker centres, cafes and restaurants occasionally, I am a big fan of home cooked food. Although...

6 Dinner Ideas to Help You Sleep Well Throughout the Night

There is a saying that goes “Have a breakfast like a king, a lunch like a prince and a dinner like a pauper”, and...

Travel Health: Keeping your body fit and healthy even while overseas.

Most of us love travelling. It's always a great feeling to be out of the country for a few days or weeks and just...

How To Find The Perfect Sports Bra For Running?

There's just so many choices. You don't know where to begin. You don't even know how to begin. It is however worth taking the...

Aries: What does your horoscope says about your health & fitness?

Aries is a symbol of energy and enthusiasm. The Aries-born is like a ball of energy that craves attention and competition. They dislike inactivity....

National Athlete Series: How do you stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this...

In view of the current COVID-19 situation and measures implemented by the governments, we have asked some of the National Athletes to...

Introducing ‘Stream The Beat’, A Free Live-Streamed Music & Fitness Festival Raising Funds For...

In these challenging times of COVID-19, Fresh Events Asia, a Malaysian based events company has created a free, live-streamed music and fitness...

Will Strength Training Make Me A Faster Runner?

Running is a sport that requires coordination, core stability, leg strength, and agility. Strength training should be a fundamental part of any...

3 Hacks for Keeping up with a Tough Training Regimen

The thing about exercise routines is that unless they are tough, they cannot really produce results. This holds true irrespective of whether...

Runner’s Incontinence: 6 Tips To Run Without Worry

Urinary incontinence may be defined as the involuntary loss of urine either due to external forces or certain medical conditions. Stress incontinence,...

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