Running Risks: Dangers You Should Be Aware Of Before Lacing Up Your Shoes

Running is a fantastic way to get exercise, that’s why more than 60 million people in the U.S. go running regularly. It...

5 Tips for Getting Back in Shape After the Holidays

Winter holidays are known as a period of self-indulgence. Christmas meals are known to be rich and exercising is not as often as you...

4 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Spine Specialist

The way the spine is structured is geared toward flexibility, but this doesn’t mean that it’s immune to injury. In fact, in...

The Positive Impact of Sports on Teens’ Physical, Mental and Social Well-Being

The teenage years are an exciting period of growth and discovery for young people. As your child navigates this transformative time, they...

Expert Series: How do you stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period?...

In view of the current COVID-19 situation and measures implemented by the governments, we have asked some of the experts to share...

So Long, Fast Food: 7 Healthy Snacks for College Students

Trying to find a balance between gruelling study sessions, pulling all-nighters preparing for exams, and all sorts of other extracurricular tasks, it...

10 Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating Regularly

Rather than focusing on foods to avoid, it's more helpful to emphasize nutrient-dense foods that are commonly recommended across various diets. This...

How To Stop Sweating While Sleeping

If you’re looking for ways to work around your night sweats, we’ve gathered everything you need to know - from finding a...

Completing a full Ironman at the age of 50

Her First Full Ironman Race @ Age 50 Age is no barrier to achieving your personal dreams and aspirations. And 50-year-old doctor Joanna Lin, can...

Run Safe: What You Need To Know About Heart Rate Monitors

Basic aerobic fitness is necessary, whether you're trying out a new 10km or challenging your personal best. A strong heart can help protect you against exhaustion...

6 Must-Not-Miss Locations in Singapore for Fitness Enthusiasts

Obesity and lifestyle-related illnesses are now on the rise in Singapore, largely due to a continued drop in physical activity among the city-state’s working...

2 Fat-Burning HIIT Workouts For Beginners

A popular workout method, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), alternates brief bursts of intensive exercise with rest intervals. It has several advantages, including...

Interview with Gloria Lau: First Singaporean woman to complete 7 marathons in 7 continents,...

Antarctica, Mount Everest, The Great Wall of China... ...,these places of extreme terrains and/or weather conditions are usually areas that many people, even young healthy...

Overcoming Running Injuries: How To Come Back Strong

Recovering from a running injury can take time, and the process can be a frustrating one. It is essential to take care...

Vitamins you need at every age

There are many advertisements touting supplements for health and wellbeing, but which ones are necessary? The answer is different at every age.

Running Clubs in Singapore: Runninghour

Are you bored of running alone? Why not join a running club? With running clubs, it will enhance...
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