
Editorials, running stories and features brought to you by the JustRunLah! authoring team.

Health care crisis – what can I do to help?

After the pandemic period, our society suffers a health care crisis, including physical and mental health. The European Commission released a new...

Vitamins you need at every age

There are many advertisements touting supplements for health and wellbeing, but which ones are necessary? The answer is different at every age.

8 Unknown Facts about Personal Training

Staying in shape can prove challenging, which is why many folks spend their hard-earned money on personal trainers to help them reach...

Macro and Micro Nutrients — The Essential Elements of A Runner’s Diet

A runner’s diet influences how the body is fueled for a workout, as well as what nutrient resources are available to recover after...

How healthy is coconut water or your favourite coconut shake?

Or how does it compare with coconut milk, coconut oil and coconut flesh? Here's what you need to know about coconuts from...

The Complete Guide to the Best Supplements for Bone Health

There are many different supplements that can help to improve the health of your bones. This article will help you find the...

10 Silent Symptoms Of A Heart Attack

Symptoms of a heart attack can be described as an excruciating, chest-clenching feeling. Nevertheless, health authorities note that in a large number...

Is There An App To Plan Running Routes?

How we exercise has been fundamentally altered due to recent developments in technology. People of all ages utilize this to gain fitness...

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Feet Care

Here's what you need to know about smelly feet, avoiding foot pain, preventing infections and ingrown toenails, and keeping your feet healthy...

10 Myths About The Sweet Tooth

Consuming too much sugar can make you sick, but when consumed in moderation, sugar can be extremely beneficial for your mental and...

10 Ways that will Help You Stay on Track While Eating Healthy

It can be tough to stay on track while eating healthy. There are so many temptations out there, and it's easy to...

10 Things You Didn’t Know Could Make You Gain Weight

If you're trying your best to lose weight but the number on the scale is going up, then this list could be...

The Most Common Sports Injuries

While engaging in sports can help you achieve healthy body weight, maintain muscular strength and improve your heart and respiratory condition, it...

Is 5×5 enough to build muscle?

If you have been someone for whom lifting weights is a lifestyle, you would have surely heard about the 5x5 training program.

4 Calorie-Burning Workouts

Just think of it: Burning nearly 200 calories in a matter of minutes. Aren't such calorie-burning workouts ideal for those who cannot...

7 Reasons To Go For A Run With A Dog

It is important to consider whether your dog is physically capable of running before going for a run. Consult your veterinarian if...

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