
Editorials, running stories and features brought to you by the JustRunLah! authoring team.

Low Impact Workout For People With Bad Knees

Are you just starting out on your fitness journey and want to lose some weight first to lessen the impact on your...

15 Best Exercises To Strengthen Your Core and Tone Your Abs (Part 2)

Exercises that strengthen your core will help you remain healthy and pain-free. The same workout will sculpt your abs and strengthen your...

From Fast Food Enthusiast to Record-Breaking Ultramarathon Winner in 6 Years

Ultramarathon runner Aleksandr Sorokin has broken world running records 7 times so far. Currently, he is preparing for the 2022 IAU 24-hour...

15 Best Exercises To Strengthen Your Core and Tone Your Abs (Part 1)

Your next ab workout should include these 20 core exercises to strengthen and tone your abs. Exercises that strengthen your core will...

6 Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Most back pain issues and impaired mobility start becoming prevalent in people over 30. Typically, medical treatments for these problems are invasive,...

How To Prepare For A 10k Run

Running a 10KM doesn't take long and doesn't require much preparation. It is possible to prepare for a 10k run within two...

4 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Spine Specialist

The way the spine is structured is geared toward flexibility, but this doesn’t mean that it’s immune to injury. In fact, in...

8 things muscle spasms reveal about your health

You've probably experienced a corked muscle, also known as a muscle spasm, and wondered why it happened. Muscle spasms tend to occur...

Is it good to use pre-workout?

The whole process of working out has a lot of aspects associated with it; there is an overall process with a lot...

5 Tips for Running Your Best 5K

The 5k (3.11 miles) race is one of the most popular running events around the world. Whether you are looking to boost...

Looking After Your Running Shoes For Ultimate Comfort

A recent study done by the University of Arizona found that the average pair of shoes had 2,887 units of bacteria on...

How Can Yoga Improve Your Sleep Quality? A Step-by-Step Guide

The problem might be a little deeper if you've been struggling with getting proper sleep despite trying out several medicines and a...

7 Reasons Why Sugar Is Bad For You

A high sugar diet can be harmful to your health for several reasons, from depression to heart disease. 1)...

Becoming a Better Runner: A How-To Guide

Running is a popular hobby for a lot of people. It is a great way to get fit, increase your stamina, and...

The Best Supplements For Better Health

It is difficult to know which dietary supplement to take for optimal health. From incredible promises on labels hinting that what is...

Health care crisis – what can I do to help?

After the pandemic period, our society suffers a health care crisis, including physical and mental health. The European Commission released a new...

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