Neko-chan | JustRunLah!


I initially started running because my best friend motivated me. We usually brag each to other's distance covered within a week. Then eventually it means something more like of a passion. I felt unexplainable euphoria after finishing my first 10km race way back 2013. I even recklessly joined 21km a month after my first race, not thinking my fitness status. Result? Yeah, as expected I had runner's knee but my injury didn't stop me to registering from one event to another. Addicting, like a morphine to my veins. I keep on beating my previous PR each event. But then, I started to train to keep myself fit and be a fitness inspiration to people around me. That it's never late to start to be fit, and regain your confidence towards your healthy body in your own way.

My posts

Race Review: Subic International Marathon 2016 [21km] (by Neko-chan)

Yay! For reviewing my favorite event so far. 🙂 Its my first time to try joining an event outside the city. I've been looking forward...

Race Review: Gatorade Run 2016 [22km]

Gatorade Run is one of the most awaited event I've been spotting on, since last year I wasn't able to participate because of conflict...