R.e.s.t: The four letter word most dreaded by runners.

Plantar fasciitis - the showstopper for the last two weeks. Only yesterday, I learned how to pronounce it properly. You hear runners rant about...

lo and behold

A ho-hum week thus far: an unproductive day of modern day distractions, followed by absolute drudgery of paper shuffling. Where's the midweek pick-me-up when...


We like to have a plan. Sometimes including a back-up plan. We fret when we don't have a plan. Surprises throw us off guard...


Two weeks ago, out of desperation, I had snipped off all the yellowed leaves on a pepper plant after the last pest attack and...


Life mirrors running. To improve performance, a runner has to incorporate easy, moderate to hard runs into the running routine. Equally important is recovery time...

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