Exercises that strengthen your core will help you remain healthy and pain-free. The same workout will sculpt your abs and strengthen your core! Here are the next set of ab workouts you should include to strengthen and tone your abs.
8) Leg Raises
Here’s how: Begin by lying flat on your back with your legs in the air (90 degrees) and your feet together. Keep your arms flat by your sides. Keep your chin tucked in and your core muscles engaged. Maintain a flat back on the ground. You should not be able to put your hand behind your back. Lower your legs slowly to just above the floor. Return to the starting point
- 20 reps per set
- Recover for 20 seconds in between sets
- Work up to 3 set
- Loosening the core
- Not breathing
- Rolling head back instead of keeping it tucked in
9) Low Plank Twist
Muscles Involved
- Transverse abdominis
- Rectus abdominis
- Obliques
- Shoulders
- Glutes
- Quads
Here’s how: Begin in a low plank position with your elbows directly under your shoulders. Keep your legs straight and your toes planted on the ground. The stomach remains tight and engaged, not allowing the lower back to round or your butt to protrude. Maintain a tight and engaged upper back. Pull your shoulders back and away from your ears. Slowly tilt hips to the left, bringing them close to (but not touching) the floor, then return to the center. When you switch to the right side, all of your core muscles will tighten.
This exercise is suitable for beginner and intermediate athletes. Advanced athletes will probably find this exercise boring, but they can still do it!
- 30 total (15 reps per side)
- Rest for 20 seconds between sets
- Work up to 3 sets
- Doing the exercise too fast
- Bouncing hip off the ground
- Not returning to center
- Sticking your butt out and losing core engagement
- Not focusing on squeezing all muscles involved in the movement
10) Low Plank Jack Taps
- Core muscles (Transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, internal/external obliques)
- Anterior Deltoids (Shoulders)
- Pectoralis Muscles (Chest)
- Glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves
Here’s how: Perform this exercise similarly to a low plank plus:
Pick up your left leg and place it to the side. Bring your left leg back to the center. Repeat the process with your right leg.
This exercise is a little more difficult than the others. It is appropriate for intermediate athletes and something that beginner athletes should strive for.
- 30 total
- Rest for 20 seconds between sets
- 3 sets
- Performing the movement too fast and losing form
- Not breathing
- Rocking the hips and losing core engagement
11) Low Plank
- Transverse abdominis
- Rectus abdominis
- internal and external obliques
- Hips: quads, hamstrings, glutes
- Shoulders
Here’s how: Place your hands on your stomach. Raise yourself up on your elbows. Shoulders should be shoulder width apart. Also, keep your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly closer together. Keep your chin tucked in while in the low plank position. Pull your shoulders away from your ears. Maintain core stability by pulling the belly button inwards towards the spine. Tuck your buttocks “under,” rather than sticking them out. Squeeze your glutes, hamstrings, quads, stomach, and arms together. Make sure your upper back is engaged. You should not feel as if you are protruding your chest.

- 40 seconds hold
- 20-second rest
- Work up to 3 sets
- Not using all muscles that should be engaged
- Sticking out your butt means you’re not bracing your core
- Not breathing or holding your breath
12) Ankle Touches
- Oblique muscles
- Transverse abdominis
- Rectus abdominis
Here’s how: Lie flat on your back and bend your knees. Arms are kept straight down by the sides. Raise your upper back and head off the floor (tuck your chin in but don’t curl your shoulders forward). Maintain a neutral spine. Bending the oblique core muscles, reach with the right hand down to the right heel slowly, then return to the starting position. Rep on the opposite side.

- 30 total (15 per side)
- Rest for 20 seconds between sets
- Work up to 3 sets
- Aimlessly moving through the motion
- Completely curling back when lifting slightly off the ground
13) Bicycle Crunches
- Rectus abdominis
- Obliques
- Leg muscles, hip flexors
Here’s how: Lie on your back and lift your legs off the ground so that the hip and knee joints form a 90-degree angle. Place your hands behind your head, but keep your elbows open. Lift your head and upper back off the ground while engaging your core muscles. Perform a “crunch” motion with your obliques while bringing your right elbow and left knee together. Straighten the right leg while performing this motion. Return to the starting position and do the opposite side.

- 30 total
- Rest for 20 seconds between sets
- Work up to 3 sets
One common error is to perform Bicycle Crunches too quickly. Despite what you may see in some gyms, this is not a quick exercise! Maintain the slow motion. It is sometimes useful to time how long it takes to complete a movement. For example, your right elbow should meet your left knee in about 2 seconds.
14) High Plank Wall
The muscles used in High Plank Walk are the same as those used in High Plank. It also works the shoulders, chest, and arms. It’s a fantastic exercise that works the entire body!
Here’s How: Set yourself up in a High Plank position. Maintain a tight core and hips. Avoid using rocking or momentum to move. Move the left hand (and foot) out to the left side (about half a shoulder width away) and bring the right hand (and foot) with it so that the distance between the two hands is the same as the starting position. Repeat twice to the left, then twice to the right. Maintain a tight core, tucked buttocks, and strong shoulderblades at all times (as if pushing the ground away)
- Perform the “walking” motion for 40 seconds
- Rest for 20 seconds before starting the next set
- Work up to 3 sets
- Too rushed and “messy.” This means your core is not engaged
- Butt sticking out, meaning the core is not engaged.
15) Swimmers
- Obliques
- Transverse abdominus
- Back extensor muscles (erector spinae)
- Glutes
- Hamstrings
Here’s how: Lie down on your stomach, arms above your head. Engage your abdominal muscles. Maintain a tucked chin and a neutral spine. Maintain a firm grip on your shoulder blades and keep them away from your ears. Lift your chest gently off the ground, engaging your core and back muscles. Raise your arms and legs slightly above the ground. Gently “swim” or pump your right arm up while “swimming” your left leg up in a controlled manner. Return to the center and repeat on the other side.
- 40 seconds
- 20 seconds rest
- Work up to 3 sets
- Holding breath
- Trying to look ahead and not at the floor. This can lead to neck pain.
- Performing the exercise too fast and losing core engagement