Date: 24 June 2023
Venue: OCBC Square, Singapore Sports Hub
Time: 07:00 am
Location: Singapore, Singapore
Categories: 10 km, 5 km
  Event day schedule:
5KM Fun Run: 7.45 AM
10KM Competitive Run: 7.00 AM
  Entry fees
  More about this event
Following the four editions, Unlabelled Run has evolved into the Unlabelled Movement to strongly carry forth the message that labels do not matter, but people do. The Unlabelled Movement advocates that “Lives Impact Lives” where every member of society can play a part in building our society.

Support our advocacy to unlabel so as to create greater awareness on the removal of negative labels. Be part of the movement and let’s build a more compassionate community together!

Race Winners(10KM Category) stand to win attractive cash prizes.

Race Pack Collection Info
Date: 17th - 18th June 2023
Time: 11am to 8pm*
Venue: Sports Hub Library
Address: 4 Stadium Walk, Singapore 397697
Nearest MRT: Stadium (Exit A)

Kindly bring along your booking slip / IC when collecting your race pack.
If someone is collecting your race pack on your behalf, kindly bring along the signed authorization form for collection.

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Pack
Race Pack
Race Apparel
Finisher Medal
Race BIB
Exclusive Event Bag
Other exciting items from sponsors and partners
Race Apparel
  Finisher Medal

  Route maps
Route maps not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
  Stay Updated!



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