Date: 2 April 2017
Venue: Mount Buller Alpine Resort
Time: 06:30 am
Location: Alpine, Victoria, Australia
Categories: 45 km, 36 km, 22 km
  Entry fees
36/45 km $75 per person, 22 km $65 per person. Late entry of $90 per person applies for all entries received after 20 March 2017
  More about this event
The Mount Buller Skyrun offers three unique runs:

22 km introductory trail run from Mount Buller to Mount Stirling and back.
36 km mid distance course from Mount Buller to Mount Stirling and then a quad busting descent to the Delatite River before a gut wrenching 1200m climb to the summit of Mount Buller.
45 km ultra course which takes in Mount Stirling, Craigs Hut, great views over the Crosscut Saw and the Bluff, a scenic jog along the banks of the Delatite River and a final crushing climb to the summit of Mount Buller itself before an exhilarating 2 km descent to the finish line.
All up an exhilarating day trip from Melbourne.

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Apparel
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
  Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.

  Route maps


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