Date: 6 November 2016
Venue: Beach Republic, Luak Bay
Time: 04:00 am
Location: Miri, Malaysia
Categories: 50 km, 30 km
  Entry fees
50 km - RM 150
30 km - RM 100
  More about this event
You probably have completed 10km, challenged yourself to half marathon, or even celebrated your glorious Full marathon recently. What now? Maybe it’s time for you to take a step further, the Ultra Marathon. Any figurative distance exceeds 42.195 is an ultra marathon. Miri has its inaugural ultra-running event this year. Surprisingly, compared to previous conventional ultra events which course normally set on road, loops or trail, Miri Beach Ultra (MBU) has it set on the beach! Although the course has near zero elevation but the soft sandy terrain, adverse heat and certain degree of potential hazard you might be facing are worth a challenge. The entirely new experience definitely brings a surge of excitement among runners.

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Pack
2ndSkin Event Tee (long sleeved)
Finisher's Medal
2ndSkin Finisher's Tee (short sleeved) - Only for 50 km
Medic Support
Race Apparel
Race apparel by: 2ndSkin
  Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.

  Route maps


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