Date: 21 January 2018
Venue: Lake Gardens
Time: 07:00 am
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Categories: Approximately 3.1 km x 4 = 12.4 km
  Entry fees
RM 220 per team for the first 45 teams (early bird registration) (inclusive of 6% GST and 6% online registration admin fee)

RM 260 per team for subsequent teams (inclusive of 6% GST and 6% online registration admin fee)
  Runner's Entitlement
Race Pack
All four (4) team members in a team who successfully complete the race (4 x 3.1km) (or any such distance as will be decided by KLBAR) within the Cut-Off Time will be awarded with a Finisher Medal and an Event Tee Shirt each upon return of the baton.
All Finisher’s Medals and Event Tee Shirts are to be collected on the race day. No requests thereafter will be entertained.
All Participants who successfully complete the race can download their e-certificate from Checkpoint Website after the race. This entitlement will not apply to Participants who are unable to complete the race within the Cut-Off Time, or are disqualified or did not complete the race.
Race Apparel
Race apparel by: Ultron
  Finisher Medal

  Route maps
Route maps not yet available. Please check back at a later time.


  1. Hello there can you please update me on the distance (4 x 3.1 km) means all 4 of them have to run 12.4 km or its each person run 3.1 km i dont really understanf that part please update me thank you : )


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