Date: 6 July 2019
Venue: 11 Romea St, The Gap
Time: 12:00 am
Location: Queensland, Australia
Categories: 30 km, 60 km, 100 km, 100 mi
  Event day schedule:
Brisbane Trail 30km Course - 3pm

Brisbane Trail Ultra 60km Course - Midnight on 6 July for both wave starts (12 hours from 1000)

Brisbane Trail Ultra 110 Course -
5am plus 14 hours (29 hours cut off)
7am sub 14 hours (27 hours cut off)

Brisbane Trail Ultra 100 Mile Course - 5am
  Entry fees
30k Solo/Relay
AUD $132–AUD $198

60k Solo/Relay
AUD $220–AUD $330

110k Solo/Relay
AUD $407–AUD $550

100 Mile Solo
AUD $495.50
  More about this event
The Brisbane Trail Ultra is a new event for 2019, starting from The Gap and exploring D'Aguliar National Park.

The event is designed to be a prestigious ultramarathon trail running event that is a platform where the best runners in Australia can come and test themselves on exhilarating terrain, whilst escaping the chilly southern states and enjoying a stunning Queensland Winter.

The course is designed by Shona Stephenson, an Ultra Trail World Tour 8th Ranking athlete, and her colleague David Eastman, a solid middle of the pack runner who knows what its like at the other end of the race! The course is aimed to get all athletes from the elites to the beginners ready for any local or international Skyrunning or Ultra Trail events.

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Apparel
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
  Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.

  Route maps
  Stay Updated!


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