Here Are 12 Things Healthy & Happy People Do During Lunch

1) They go outside The only opportunity you may have to leave the office once you arrive in...

How important is running for MMA fighters?

In the sports world, everything is full of vigour. Mixed Martial Arts, also known as MMA, is one of the world's fastest-growing...

Does Roller Skating Or Rollerblading Benefit Runners?

Roller skating has been proven to be a terrific activity for runners. It's enjoyable, and worthwhile tasks have a higher chance of...

How Healthful Are Almond and Oat Milk?

The popularity of non-dairy milk like oat and almond milk is rising. How wholesome are they, though? A dietitian from the KK...

Upper Body Exercises And Their Effect On Running Performances

Most of the time, runners don't give much thought to the size of their biceps. Why should they, too? Their legs ultimately...

Why walking ten thousand steps will make you fitter

We have all heard about the hype around walking ten thousand steps, but what is the reason for this? Why is every...

6 Ways Technology Can Help You Stay Fit and Health

Most people try to stay fit and healthy by exercising regularly, but even if you are a fitness enthusiast, there are times...

How to Maintain Your Oral Health and Physical Fitness in Tandem

Although it’s essential that we regularly exercise to maintain our physical health, working out can actually have a negative impact on our...

How to Optimise Your Running Performance

When you’ve never ran previously, hitting 5K for the first time feels like the biggest accomplishment; however, in order to stay motivated,...

Low Impact Workout For People With Bad Knees

Are you just starting out on your fitness journey and want to lose some weight first to lessen the impact on your...

15 Best Exercises To Strengthen Your Core and Tone Your Abs (Part 2)

Exercises that strengthen your core will help you remain healthy and pain-free. The same workout will sculpt your abs and strengthen your...

From Fast Food Enthusiast to Record-Breaking Ultramarathon Winner in 6 Years

Ultramarathon runner Aleksandr Sorokin has broken world running records 7 times so far. Currently, he is preparing for the 2022 IAU 24-hour...

15 Best Exercises To Strengthen Your Core and Tone Your Abs (Part 1)

Your next ab workout should include these 20 core exercises to strengthen and tone your abs. Exercises that strengthen your core will...

6 Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Most back pain issues and impaired mobility start becoming prevalent in people over 30. Typically, medical treatments for these problems are invasive,...

4 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Spine Specialist

The way the spine is structured is geared toward flexibility, but this doesn’t mean that it’s immune to injury. In fact, in...

SCSM Training Runs Are Back!

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon is back with its Training Runs this year. For the first time since 2019, SCSM Training Runs are...

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