Working Out Is Not Just About Losing Weight or Gaining Strength | JustRunLah!

Working Out Is Not Just About Losing Weight or Gaining Strength


Whether it’s a woman who actually wants to gain muscle or a guy who wants to run a 10K in under four minutes, fitness is about so much more than just losing weight!

Whatever your goals may be – this is a universal truth: it is important to feel good in your own skin, to feel energized and empowered, and to wake up every day feeling like your best self.


Exercise and good nutrition (and ultimately feeling your best) affect so many other areas of your life. It’s not just how you look in the mirror; it’s how confident you are at work and in your relationships. Ultimately, it’s about the courage you have cultivated to share ideas, speak your mind, and go for the prize.

According to the American Psychological Association, Jennifer Carter, PhD, counsels patients in a walk and talk format. The movement (mainly walking) Dr. Carter recommends is effective in helping people open up and express their feelings.


The truth is, research shows that it’s not really about how fast you ran, how long you worked out, or how many weights you lifted or push-ups you completed, but it’s more about completing a workout (or not) in general.


Focusing on a “why” is really important. Your goals should be less focused on the physical and more on the emotional.

Sarah Dussault shared about body image and fitness, and why it’s healthy to look at your body differently, rather than through the eyes of a scale. For her, giving birth opened her eyes to what the female body is capable of more than any exercise achievement. Since then, her motivation to exercise has shifted a bit towards being healthy for her son (rather than to get nice abs) and to give back to her body. Right now, Sarah just wants to feel healthy, strong, and content with who she is.


It’s not to say that losing weight or burning fat aren’t valid goals, or shouldn’t be your focus. Ultimately, we need to look at the big picture.

If you want health and fitness to be a part of your life, it can’t be just about what you look like or the number on the scale. Only then will you be able to move forward. 

You are more likely to stick to your goals when you change your perspective, get excited about your progress, and believe that you will be able to overcome future obstacles. Always remember this – Work out because you love your body, and not because you hate it!

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