New Year’s Resolutions For A Run-derful 2016! (Part 1) | JustRunLah!

New Year’s Resolutions For A Run-derful 2016! (Part 1)


It has come to the end of the year, which means it is time to set New Yea’s resolutions! Setting New Year’s resolutions is a good way to look forward and have a better year ahead. After all, people who make New Year’s resolutions are 10 times more likely to achieve their goals than those who don’t. We had a great year in 2015 as we saw many successful events this year. We hope to see an even better year in 2016, where everyone continues the running spirit and even more people to start running. JustRunLah!

We have come up with some New Year’s resolutions which you may like. You may also choose your favourite resolution and set it as your desktop wallpaper or screensaver:

1. I Will Race Farther


You might have run 20 5ks but always had excuses to not sign up for a 10k. Or perhaps you’ve mastered the marathon, but you’re afraid of attempting an ultra. Whatever your current ability level, if you set your mind to do it, you will be able to achieve it. By challenging yourself to increase the distance you run, you’ll boost your strength and endurance, which will also improve your times over shorter distances. Remember to only gradually increase your mileage and adopt the right training strategies for a long-distance race!

2. I Will Discover New Running Routes


We all know that Singapore is a small country but do all of us know where we can run in Singapore? Running can get monotonous when we run around the same places all the time. So why not find some new running routes? You can discover a side of Singapore that is different from the places you usually run at.

3. I Will Race In A New Country


If you join races frequently in Singapore, the race routes here may already be familiar to you, or too familiar. Hesitate no more, and join a race overseas! This will push you out from your comfort zone. And as you explore a new place, you may also discover more about yourself, and even a greater love for running!

4. I Will Run Faster


What was your PB for 2015? Are you going to beat that record? Yes, we believe you can do it! With the right training techniques and dedication to running, anyone can run faster. You can start on a smaller scale, to break your 5K PB, then your 10K PB and even your full marathon’s PB. But don’t push yourself too hard, remember to always listen to your body; rest and recovery are as important as training.

5. I Will Eat Healthier


While some of you may have picked up running as a sport to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the food you eat can still affect your health in significant ways. You can be naturally slim, lead an active lifestyle, but still have problems like high cholesterol. On the other hand, eating the right food can help you to lose some weight, which can also help you to run faster.

6. I Will Stop Giving Up


Repeat this to yourself: Mind over body, never give up! Your endurance and determination is stronger than the pain you feel in your body. If you can do it, just run lah! However, learn how to gauge your body’s limits and know when to stop. Over-exertion may sometimes backfire on your training and it won’t be great if you are to fall sick or be injured.


Team JustRunLah!
Team JustRunLah!
We were born to run! - We use this account to post news, race updates and press releases.

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