Kallang Runners

Types: Free
Formed in 2016 by a group of friends who runs during the weekends, The Fitspo People Athletic Club (FPAC) is a Singapore running club which welcomes runners of all proficiencies. Through FPAC, we would like to create a support base for all runners to be able to inspire one another to reach their fitness/running goals. We would like to invite more like-minded runners, regardless of ages and skills, to join us in our weekly runs.
We usually run on Saturday evenings around Marina Bay. However, we also run at East Coast Park, Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park and Punggol Reservoir sometimes as well.
Join us at our Facebook Group and follow us on your Instagram page (@fitspopeopleac) to get regular updates on our activities.

Meeting Venues:



Usually on Saturday evenings

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