Race Review: HomeTeamNS Real Run 2016 [10km] (by Lingderella) | JustRunLah!

Race Review: HomeTeamNS Real Run 2016 [10km] (by Lingderella)


Tough! This run is sibeh tough! Im quite new in going to running events and this is my second 10km run. My 1st 10km run is Compressport run in January which is also tough because of the mud and the ‘flood’ but not as tough as this. This is indeed a hard earned medal that every runners who completed the run will wear the medal with lots of pride.


Any next 10km race faster than 1hr 20 mins will be my PB ? Sound like quite easy to beat ? I was actually aiming to complete this run in 1 hour 5 minutes but I underestimated the slopes and sand. I’m actually unaware of the terrains.

Thank you David! Actually this was a free slot from David as he won it in a contest so is quite last minute registration. I thought multi-terrain only applies to the obstacles challenge and I didn’t really check up on the route and didn’t expect so much sand so I was thinking 1 hr 5 mins ?

The organiser very bad, in the website put baggage deposit closes at 6.30am so I don’t dare to bring bag. But then the angry part is when I reach the event site at 6.45am, they are still so nice still collecting baggage deposit ? Then should be nice since beginning and mention somewhere lah, so I can bring fresh clothes and slippers to change into ?

I seriously sweat like I was running a marathon, I credit this to the slopes and sand. My usual 10km run I don’t really sweat as much. Im all wet like it rained. I’m actually very happy and satisfied with the sweat! ?

I walked a lot! Because I’m not very garang, I scared that I will fall and roll a few rounds and embarrassed myself so during the sandy part I rather walk and jog a little and don’t dare chiong like Spartans. Actually want to chiong I also cannot, not that fit and also very difficult for me to run on loose sand ?

I really love this run and think it is worth it to sacrifice my ‘weekend nua-ing on bed morning’ to go for this run because usually we are not so hardcore to run on sand right ?

I think yesterday I run one extra terrain, into the water. Or is it actually one of the terrain? Due to finding it easier to run on the brink of the beach with the sand more compacted, I decided to run there. But my lousyness in the estimation of the waves cause my shoes to get wet. It’s fun anyway! Many times in the run I want to give up and walk all the way but I already tell Sabrina to wait for me at the end point and Im paiseh to let her wait so long ? And congratulations to Sabrina for getting 5th position in the 10km open category! She’s so cute when she get the ‘potential winner’ tag and thought this year’s medal is so lousy, a laminated tag ?

When the last part of the run I saw sand again, I took off my shoes to run, really cannot tahan the sand anymore. Hopefully taking off my shoes during a run will not become a habit, 50 hrs non stop run I ran in slippers and this time I ran barefoot! ?

image See my satisfied face with the medal ?

My whole body aches from pole practice the previous day’s pole class. But I still try to endure all these during the run. I figure out that every Sunday’s running event I will cry Father cry Mother unless my pole class changes to other days. But I’m happy with the aches, means I’m doing something right!


Simply loves to run and I love the feel of sweating. Love to travel the world and run as well and love to run around Singapore and explore different places too! After every run, I feel happy and stress free, running really heals the mind and soul. I use the time running to grow myself internally too, to think and reflect.

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